Matt's Musings

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7/1/20 Here We Go Again

It's depressing, frustrating and downright scary to see the Covid infection numbers spiking again in our country and Missouri. Luckily, our immediate area does not seem to be experiencing as significant of increases. That doesn't mean it is easy to take! I think many of us anticipated we may have to deal with a second wave, but I for one was hoping that would not happen until mid-winter. I was also hoping by time the next wave hit, we might have a vaccine or at least know one was on the near horizon. 

I was not ready for this to start in the middle of summer! Family members, friends, business colleagues and clients tell me they are DONE. I feel it too. Pandemic fatigue. Social isolation, economic uncertainty, confusion about how many precautions are the "right" amount, fears about getting sick, having a loved one get sick, or even the omnipresent awareness of the possibility of death by Covid all wear us down. Add to it the social division including the fear of being judged. It's exhausting!

I am re-focusing on self-care and encouraging everyone to do the same. This includes both mental and physical health. I recorded a video about dealing with the anxiety of this pandemic. Here is the link if you are interested. 

Take care of yourself, be safe and think positive thoughts!

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